Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sidney Crosby Tests Out His New Stick

So, is it fake or not? I'm leaning towards not.


  1. Is what fake? The stick? The net moving? I think it's all real, I've seen guys move nets before that aren't on their pegs.

    Andd what's up with the look at the end there? Did you notice that? Kind of "beat it" , no?


  2. The net moving seems fake to me, but all the shots have to be real. Idk why they'd waste Sid's time by adding fake shots when he could just do it himself.

  3. I imagine he'd have practiced that a *lot* and there was little spontenaity to it. But I remember that he worked on getting more power into his shot. He could shoot a puck through the endposts at Heinz Field and hit a home run into the seats--we saw those videos. So nothing, really, would surprise me.
