Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Thoughts - @ Atlanta (W! 4-2)

-After having a game where the role players stole the show, tonight was the Sid and Geno show. That’s the way it has to be most of the time because the Pens literally can’t afford to not have both superstars at their best.

-Flower was awesome. It looks like he’s back to being the Flower that we all know. He made some great saves to keep it close in the first, and he made some solid saves after the Pens took the lead. That second goal was a little soft, but what goalie doesn’t give up a goal like that every once in a while? There’s no reason to sit and nitpick about that goal because, looking at the big picture, he really was great tonight. It’s at least 3-0 at the end of the first if  the early season Flower is in the net.

-Geno finally had a 60 minute game where he was the best player on the ice from start to finish. When the team was sloppy at the start of the game, he was one of the only players that wasn’t. Getting that goal after the disallowed goal was huge and really set the tone for the third. He and Sid have to be great if we want another Cup.

-Well, Sid…he was pretty awful in the beginning of the game. After some good chances early, he played pretty badly; lazy passes and the like. Yeah, let’s fast forward to the third. What a redirect on the Engelland shot; it completely froze Pavalec. The pass over to Martin on the PP goal was gorgeous, and the little poke over to Geno for the HT was pretty as well. Sid really turned on the jets in the third. This ought to tell you something about the way Crosby’s playing right now: in the past two games, Sid has been pretty quiet in the first two periods only to rack up 5 combined points in the third. Geez. He’s now tied for the league lead in points-watch out Stamkos.

-I feel like the Pens have finally got the chemistry going. First line? Those guys have played together forever; they’re the last thing we need to be worried about. Second line? Malkin and Asham-a weird duo but it really works. I have no idea how, but I’m not going to question it. Third line? Man, they look awesome. I love the speed that Conner brings; those guys look like they’ve played together for years. Fourth line? Like the first line, those guys have played together forever. The D pairings are finally looking good too. Z and Martin look great together. I wouldn’t usually say this out of fear of jinxing it, but I think we’re going to go on one of those patented Penguin runs where they start winning 7 out of 10 consistently.

-The PP looked pretty bad in the beginning, but really turned it on when it counted in the third. Once again, the PK had a great night. They saved the game last night in Pittsburgh and they really kept a great Atlanta PP a hard time. Those guys don’t get enough credit.

-I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; Sidney Crosby is a great penalty killer. I’m just in limbo about whether or not I want to see the Pens give him like a minute a game. Seems like the Pens are too, but every time they let him stay out there he looks great. 

-I thought the defense played a pretty good game. They weren’t as good as they were the previous game, but they were still pretty solid I thought.

-What more can I say? It was the Sid and Geno show tonight. After a sloppy start, the Pens just took over in the third.

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