Friday, November 12, 2010

My Thoughts - vs. Tampa Bay (W! 5-1)

-Man, tonight was awesome. Great effort from everyone. When, I look at the score of this game a few months from now, I’m going to have to remind myself that this wasn’t a blowout and that it was actually a really close game for a long time.

-Tonight was all about the role players. Want to know why guys like TK, Talbot, and Dupuis are on the team? Watch this game.

-Flower was tested maybe once or twice in the first two periods, but really came up big in the third. He needed this win so badly. I really believe that this kind of start is all he’ll need to officially be back on track. I loved the fan support he got. He’s been mock cheered and really ridiculed before, so to hear the support he got from the fans must have been really nice. He’ll be alright.

-Dupuis was probably the best Pens player tonight. Yeah sure, he’s not a first line player, but he gives just as much effort as his centerman each and every shift. He went to the front of the net, got a dirty goal. Then, had a nasty steal to feed his captain for a goal. It’s these kind of games that we’ve come accustomed to from Dupes and I love it.

-If Dupuis wasn’t the best guy on the ice, Michalek was. He read almost every play the Bolts wanted to make perfectly. Best game in a Pens uniform after probably having his worst one on Wednesday.
-The whole defense really played a good game in general.

-Congrats to Engo on his first career goal! After being scratched in the previous game, he was physical and made the most of the ice time he was given. He’s quickly becoming one of my favorite Pens. I love that he spent so many games in the minors and now is basically an NHL regular.

-Max Talbot is back to being Max Talbot. He looked great on the PK, got dirty in front of the net, and sniped a shot past Mike Smith.

-Speaking of PKs, both teams have great ones. Seemed like the Pens PP was ready to go, but the Bolts’ personnel wouldn’t let them.

-I hardly noticed Stamkos at all tonight. The Pens let him rip that shot past MAF, but, other than that, he had a pretty bad night. In both games we’ve seen him this year, I haven’t been impressed with him at all. Seems a bit premature to start calling him the best player in the league. You’re behind Sid and Ovechkin until you prove otherwise, kid.

-Sid had a pretty good game tonight. He had some good chances in the first two periods and was sort of coasting through the third, until-bam-he’s got two points. Although that goal should’ve been stopped by Smith, it was nice to see Sid shoot from there. Oh, and Sid now has 4 straight multi-point games. 

-Geno was just okay, but the effort he gave tonight was much better than the effort he’d give over long stretches of games last season. Progress. Luckily, he didn’t have to be great tonight.

-The third line of TK-TestTube-Conner really impressed me. They’re small, but wicked fast. TK and Conner have really similar games; I would love to see him get another game. Let’s see what this kid can do.

-This was exactly the type of game the Pens needed. A game where Sid and Geno didn’t dominate, but the role players made up for it.

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