Monday, December 6, 2010

My Thoughts - vs. Devils (W! 2-1)

-I may be in the minority when I say this, but I kind of thought this was a boring game.

-It’s another win nonetheless. Being up by one goal in the third, the Pens were able to hold down the fort and win a tight game.

-If it weren’t for Sidney Crosby being on an epic streak, MAF would be getting a lot of props. He’s quietly been solid for a while now. He hasn’t had  to be spectacular, but he’s playing great hockey.

-I mean….Sidney Crosby. He’s bound to cool off some time right? Right?! Not that I would ever want to follow Rob Rossi’s lead, but he declared the scoring race over after Sid had his second hat trick in three games in Atlanta. I’m about to follow suit and declare it over myself.

-Kunitz played a fantastic game. What a shot he had on that Sid feed. People love to say that Sid is racking up points all by himself, but his linemates are playing great hockey. Don’t get me wrong, Sid is the carrying that line, but Kuni and Dupes are making themselves more than useful.

-Did Kovalchuk even play in this game? Sheesh. The Pens didn't even have to try and contain him; he was listless all night.

-The Devils are playing...yeah, they suck. Plain and simple.
-The Buzz line as well as the second line didn’t do much that would make me want to praise them tonight.

-The fourth line, however, is playing pretty amazing (relatively speaking). Rupp and Godard look like they’re playing for spots in the line up (the latter probably is). 

-I would continue on about Adams in the previous grouping, but he played a great game tonight. Hits, great PK work, fantastic work down low in his own zone. That third period was a microcosm of what the Pens want to see from Adams.

-Letang was a monster on the puck. He was shooting, making tape to tape passes. He’s really stepped it up this season. Somewhat unfortunately, he’s been overshadowed by Crosby. Crosby deserves all the praise he’s receiving right now, but I feel like the Tanger transformation has been overlooked a bit.

-Seems like Orpik is a bit banged up/ill right now; he misses a few hits that he never misses. Also, Martin took a hell of a hit into the boards. It’s amazing that he got right back up.

-Love ya, Billy G. Once a Pen always a Pen.

-Other than that, this game was unexciting half the time. It was a lot of dump and chase, get it out of the zone; then, a repeat of that for the other team.

-The great news is that the Pens have won 10 in a row and, since the Caps fell apart against the Leafs tonight, we’re first in the conference!

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