Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Let's All Kiss Crosby's Ass!

In all seriousness, it could be really easy to get sick of this (even for a Pens fan), but if you read even one scathing article about Sid in 08-09 (there were an awful lot of them), this turnaround is very, very sweet to see.

-Compliments from Sid's idol, Steve Yzerman [ TSN ].

-Bobby Orr goes out of his way to praise Sid [ ESPN ].

-Crosby's been too good for words [ USA Today ].

-Is Crosby already better than Gretzky? [ The Globe and Mail ].

-Crosby is head and shoulders above the rest [ The Globe and Mail ].

-Guerin: Crosby's play "is an assault on the game" [ Pens Official Site ].

-Crosby's subtle greatness keeps growing [ ].

-How can the Leafs shut down Crosby? [ The Globe and Mail ].

-Penguins Notebook: 'Prime' numbers for Crosby? [ Post-Gazette ].

These are just some of the highly complimentary articles written by major media outlets, in the past 48 hours or less. I'm sure there are even more written by other major media outlets, and I know there are hundreds of blog posts about him. Crazy.
That assist against NJ on Monday? That deserves a second look as well.

Update: Epic post calling Sid a terrorist (LOL) [ ].

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