Saturday, December 11, 2010

It Ends Tonight

Well, folks, here I am. That crazy prediction person. I've got this feeling that there will be no 18 game scoring streak to talk about some seven and a half hours from now. Buffalo is on a roll and, although Crosby is too, I think the jig is up for him tonight.
He'll still win the Rocket, the Hart, as well as the Lindsay, the King Clancy, and he'll make a run at the most assists (what Malkin decides to do with the second half of his season determines whether a Cup comes as well); I'm ready to call all those, but the scoring streak--that comes to an end in a few hours.

I really hope I'm wrong. Usually, when I get these feelings though, I'm right. The one time I was really, really wrong (that I can remember) was about game 7 against the Caps in 2009. We all know how that turned out. I would love for this to be one of those times and for Sid to go out there and act like he's playing some joke AHL team; score like 4-6 points or something.
By the way, this doesn't mean the Pens don't win. No, no. The team is play too well to roll over if Sid doesn't play like it's Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in a while. They'll still win 2-1, and Sid will play well, but no points.

UPDATE: I can't tell you how happy I am to be wrong. But let me just say that my 2-1 win, but Sid shutout was pretty good for a while there.


  1. In which case, he finally shaves off that ridiculous bad teenage mustache, and either way, we all win!

  2. You know what?
    I was looking through game pics to find one for "My Thoughts" and his stache actually looks a lot better...Check it out:
    It does have that weird gap in between though.
