Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Thoughts - "24/7 Pens and Caps" Episode 1

-Oh man, this show is awesome. I actually got distracted and started watching again while looking for a screen cap for the post.

-"Let's grind these bitches down!" should replace "Destiny has a new home."

-I absolutely loved the cheers that the team gave for each guy who was announced to start. Team camaraderie right there.

-Throughout the whole show, you could see how tight knit the Pens are as a group--from players playing with other player's kids, to the laughs and jokes.

-I have always loved Ray Shero, but watching him essentially grill Byslma on the team's ratings made my love for him everlasting. All business.

-Engo was exactly like I pictured him being--a tough SOB.

-There were so many funny moments, but I think my favorite one was Max and Santa. Santa: "I bet I know what you want..." Max: "What?" Santa: "...a slap shot" Max: "I want...I want for Christmas...your two little helpers." Hah!

-The most earnest part of the show was easily Dupuis and his family. I had to watch the exchange between Duper and his son twice because I was too busy being a girl marveling at how Jr. Duper's features looked like his father's. Those eyebrows.

-I want to know what book Adams was reading.

-The look on Sid's face, after Flower called Max a douche, was great. And the surprised look on Rupp's face says two things: Flower doesn't do too much chirping and that Rupp couldn't believe Flower referenced the Max "douche" incident.

-The way the Caps were down on themselves, after giving up a goal to make it 1-0 at the end of the second, was pretty telling. They were playing the Florida Panthers--meaning they were very much in that game. Yet, they looked like they had just been beat 10-0.

-I didn't notice any of the players talking or motivating each other besides the end of the first against the Rangers. Adversity doesn't seem like something the Caps handle very well.

-Their coach isn't exactly helping them handle it either. Instead of talking about how they needed to start executing, Coach Boudreau got more frustrated than the players themselves and yelled at them. Telling them  that the Pens have won 12 games in a row and to get "their asses out of their heads" didn't appear to make things much better.

-HBO was obviously trying to create a story line with the two teams going in opposite directions, so it's difficult to say that the atmosphere in the Caps locker room is really like what we saw.

-Even if the storyline was tailored for drama, you could see the difference between the two organizations. While Shero and Bylsma focused on their team, Leonsis and Boudreau drag on and on about the Pens. "They're on a winning streak and we're on a losing streak...The Pens have their Cup, it's time to get ours."
It's no wonder they can't win anything; they use too much of their worry on irrelevant matters. Start worrying about your own team and you might have a chance.

-Just this morning, Mike Knuble, who's supposed to be one of the veteran player's in their locker room basically said that the Caps have until Sunday night to make themselves look good for episode two. Again, that team is obviously worried about the show. Maybe it is a distraction in the locker room for them. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise--there are a bunch of primadonna's on that team.Still, a guy like Knuble is the last person I would've guessed to make comments like that.

-It's going to be interesting to see how the Pens react to their two game losing streak. I would bet that they're a lot more upbeat than the Caps.

-I'm so excited for the next episode. This is so awesome.
The day before the show I found out that my Mom and Dad planned on watching it. That same day, I also found out that there was more cussing in this show than in "Hard Knocks" (another HBO sports show that is very similar to this one).

Having been a fan of "Hard Knocks" for years and knowing how much cussing goes on that show, I texted my mother to warn her. Her response, "Don't worry, I've heard it all." Her only response (via text) minutes after the show aired? "Well...they do say f*** a lot." She's no angel when it comes to cussing herself, so for her to be surprised, even after I warned her, is telling. I'm still pretty sure she liked it (I don't know how you can't). My Dad said he absolutely loved it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you ever seen the documentary film "Boys on the Bus". It's about the '86-87 season of the Emonton Oilers. Now I know the HBO series has only showed one week of the Pens and during a fantastic winning streak, but even still the way they are with each other reminds me of that film and the way the Oilers all got along.It's really facinating. If you've never seen the Oiler movie I really recommaded it.

