Friday, December 24, 2010

My Thoughts - "24/7 Pens and Caps" Episode 2

Episode two was just as great as the first one. The problem is, I'm such a girl that I really don't care about anything else that went in the episode besides Rhys Adams. Oh. My. God. What an adorable child.
-Sid's routine? Whatevs, we all knew that he's crazy superstitious.
-The emo Caps? Yeah, we all know that they like to overreact--when they win and lose.
-Mario on the ice with a bunch of staff members? We all knew Le Magnifique would own those guys.

 Little Rhys Adams stole this episode and there's no reason to talk about anything but his adorableness.

Found the vid! (starts at 7:57)

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

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