Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pre-Game Reading, Watching, Ooh-ing and Aww-ing

Sorry, folks, I've been really busy lately. I just started a new semester of college, so things have been really hectic. Thankfully, I think things will be back to normal soon.

-In case you've been living under a rock, Crosby is still out with a concussion [ EveryNewsSourceThereIsInCanada].

-Meanwhile, his sister, Taylor, is finding her way as a freshman goaltender at Shattuck St. Mary's (same one Sid went to at age 15) [SSM News]

-When looking at her stats, remember that this is her first year of playing against great competition consistently, not to mention that she's only been playing hockey for 4 years before this. It's going to be exciting to see just how much she improves over her high school career (it's bound to be a lot). [ SSM U16 Season Stats ]

-Kris Letang had a pretty good ASG debut [ Post Gazette ]

-Tanger also had a sweet goal in the ASG. Wow, what a snipe job. [ YouTube ]

-Speaking of the ASG, the Flower had a lot of fun. Take a look at how he got there [YouTube]

-My favorite picture of the All-Star Weekend [ Twitpic ]

-My favorite picture ever [ Wordpress ]

Let's Go Pens!!

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