Friday, February 4, 2011

My Thoughts - vs Buffalo (W! 3-2)

-The Pens came out and looked absolutely lethargic in the first 10 or so minutes of this game. After that, it was all Pittsburgh. And, when I say it was all Pittsburgh, it really was. This was a team win. Everyone put their best effort forward after that horrid start and the Pens got two points out of it. Five straight wins for the Pens now.

-Anyone remember what happened the last time the Pens were down two goals against the Sabres at home? Seeing that highlight makes me miss Sid but, boy, is it encouraging knowing that the Pens can win as a team; rather than having one relying on one guy to be the hero. That’s the difference between this season and last season. The Pens can play in any situation—defensive, tight games, wide open games, physical games like this one, and any game in between. Bring it on.

-Flower had no chance on both goals he gave up. He made some great saves to seal the deal for the Pens. Just another day at the office for Flower.

-Staal really impressed me in this game. I don’t think I’ve seen him play better hockey in his career, than this stretch of game since he’s come back from injury.

-Dustin Jeffrey looked a lot better in this game than he did the last one. Once Geno went down and he was placed back on the “first” line, he looked a lot more comfortable.

-Talbot, once again, played his heart out, had plenty of chances, but got no points to show for it. I thought that that empty netter last game would break the curse but nope, doesn’t look like it did.

-Who the hell is Mike Weber and who the F does he think he is? He’s gotta take his marbles and go elsewhere, because he’s no longer welcome in the Burgh.

-Poor Geno. The guy just has no luck when it comes to injuries. He came out, in his first game back, looked pretty good (a little rusty, maybe), then gets injured again. The news is that he’ll be reevaluated tomorrow, but, with Geno’s luck, he might be out again.

-That being said, I like the way the Pens buckled down after Geno went down that runway.

-Liked Cooke’s game. Did not, however, like the cheap punch he tried to throw.

-Michalek is going to score a goal sometime. He’s been getting a lot of really good chances lately. I’m pretty sure that’s the least of his concerns, though. He was a defensive beast.

-Martin’s looked like the $5 million that he is in the past few weeks, and in these past few games especially.

-Despite being held off the score sheet, Letang had a wail of a game.

-Goose gets tagged with a -2 in the first ten minutes of the game. Then, with 3 minutes left, in a 3-2 game he comes up with a big block. Makes up for that -2, in my mind.

-Bylsma got his 99th career NHL win tonight. You know who we’re playing on Sunday. Here we go Pens (I sincerely hope you see what I did there).

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