Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Thoughts - vs. Detroit (W! 4-1)

-Flower was on his game tonight. He seemed to be in a good position to stop everything. Besides that one goal that wasn’t his fault, he was perfect.

-He wouldn’t of been so good had if not for his defense stopping all those second chances. Michalek was a beast.

-Along with Flower, Staal’s really stepped it up in Sid’s absence. You can tell  Staalsy’s really back when he’s dominating along the boards.

-It’s amazing how much better TK and Cooke look when they’re put with Staal.

-I thought Kunitz was flying all around the ice tonight and deserved that easy tap in goal. His price tag doesn’t look so bad when he’s healthy does it?

-Letang continues to impress.

-Zetterberg looked like he was ready to have a multiple night, but the Pens kept him largely in check points wise.

-With Geno, I’m in between the haters who think he needs to wake the F up and the apologists who think he’s just snake bitten and is ready to break out. I honestly don’t know what to say anymore. I do know that he’s one of my three keys that have to be tweaked in order for this team to be in prime Cup position (the PP and penalties being the other two). This whole Geno issue has been beaten to death and nothing has changed. Therefore, until things are no longer status quo, I will not be commenting on Geno.

-Nice to see Letestu get rewarded with a new contract.

-Although that could not bode well for a guy like Max Talbot who, by the way, looked great tonight.

-This is one of the fews games where I really don’t have many complaints. Just about everyone played well. That’s how it needs to remain with 87 out.

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